Today is Sunday, January 29. This morning I took an anti-nausea pill before we left for church. I guess it's working because I feel pretty good. I did refuse my vitamins today though. Guess that was a little rebellion on my part. I'm just so tired of taking pills. I'll probably take them tomorrow. My rebellion is generally short-lived. :) (By the way, thank you to everyone who gave me tips on fighting nausea. I really appreciate it!)
I think I'll save the personal stuff to the end again, so here is the scripture that I chose for today.
Matthew 19:14
"But Jesus said, 'Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.'"
Children are very trusting of their authority figures. When they're little, what Mom and Dad say must be true. It would never enter into their heads to think differently. And that's how we're to be with God. What He tells us IS true and it behooves us to listen and obey. (Does that remind you of the old hymn, "Trust and Obey"? It does me!)
This verse also makes me think about how very important it is to train our children spiritually. This is something that I know I (we) didn't do perfectly. But, really, does anyone get through raising children thinking that they did it perfectly? Surely not. We just do the best we can at the time. But one thing I wish I had done was spend more time consulting with my Heavenly Father on my parenting concerns. After all, He created me. He created my children. Who better to ask for advice?
I plan to start reading the book, "The Power of Praying for Your Adult Child" by Stormie O'Martian, soon. I just bought the full book, but I've had the little prayer book for a couple years (given to me by my sister-in-law. Thanks, Kris!). The book gives you a lot of specific ways to pray for your children. Ways that you might not think of on your own. When my kids were in elementary school I started reading "The Power of a Praying Parent", also by Stormie. And I've read it many times. So useful to me. I guess I find it helpful to be given a little structure in my prayer life. Anyway, you might find those books helpful in your parenting, too.
Here is the third set of cards that I made using one of my go-to sketches.
You can see that this card uses the same formula as I've used the last couple of days. In fact, I use this formula a lot when I'm working with gorgeous patterned paper. And, isn't almost all patterned paper gorgeous? :)
AND TELL: stamps are from Papertrey Ink (Heart Prints); cardstock is from PTI (Stampers Select White); patterned paper is from My Minds Eye (fine and dandy: Tickled Pink Delicate) and Basic Grey (Sweet Threads: Spring Tote); ink is Stampin' Up (Regal Rose); also used PTI's heart dies.
So, more photos from our trip to the beach last weekend.
Here are a couple photos from our Saturday morning walk on the beach.
That photo is looking to the right as we got down to the beach. And this next one is looking to the left.
You can see how unpopulated the beach was. Love it!
The high-tide line was always covered with shells and pieces of shells. I picked up one each time we walked on the beach and brought them home with me.
Here is the condo building that we stayed in.
So pretty. Our friends' unit is in the first buiding.
Those pictures were taken in the morning. We went back for another walk in the evening as the sun was going down.
It's amazing how much seafoam the tide churns up and deposits on the beach.
Looking at the picture, I kind of want to put that foam in my hands to see what it feels like. :)
I have one more set of photos from our beach trip which I'll show you tomorrow. Then I better get crafting, because after tomorrow I'll be fresh out of things to post.
So — that's it for today. Which is now tonight. It's amazing how long it can take me to write a post. It would probably help if I didn't have the TV on for much of the time that I was trying to write. :) Thank you for visiting with me... hope we have a chance to touch base again tomorrow!
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