Today is Thursday, February 9. It's the day after chemo and I'm really feeling pretty good. Really! Yesterday, though, was rough. Three bouts of throwing up... yuck. But last night I took both the anti-reflux pill and the anti-nausea pill and today has been a pretty good day. Guess it's all about taking the right pills at the right times. Go figure.
Here is the scripture that I chose to share with you from my reading for today. Once again I've chosen a verse from the Psalms.
Psalm 31:19
"How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world."
I write notes in my Bible. Maybe you do, too. I have one beside this verse. I wrote it in 2006, the day after one of our 5 year old students died of a very aggressive brain tumor, just a short time after showing symptoms and being diagnosed (less than a month, I think). It was quite a shock to all of us.
On that day, I listed in my prayer notebook some of the ways the body of Christ had reached out to us at the preschool. One of the parents who had a child in the little guy's class, brought me an energy bar, changed the message on the school marquee, gave me notes and scriptures, and prayed with me in the morning before school started. Another mom, who "happens to be" a grief counselor for the Kindermourn organization, met with the teachers, kids, and their parents. One of our former parents called to volunteer her services as a sub, should the funeral be held during the school day. I was so touched by the outpouring of love. And I still am, when I think about it.
It was a sad time for us, but it was also a time filled with hope. And a time that our faith community at the preschool really shined. As verse 21 says in part, "Praise the Lord, for he has shown us the wonders of his unfailing love...." And verse 24 reminds us to " strong and courageous...." Even in the worst of circumstances, with the Lord's help, we can continue to be strong. We can be courageous as we put our hope in the Lord.
We have the best neighbors in the world. All of them, 2 adults, 4 children. They are always ready to help us out whenever we need it. Even the just-turned-16 year old.
Yesterday was a treatment day for me. And I completely forgot about Chloe's birthday. Her 16th birthday. Could there be a worse birthday to miss than the "sweet sixteen"? Hopefully Chloe will forgive me... but she's such a sweet girl that I'm sure it's already done. Hope it was happy Chloe!
AND TELL: stamp is from Papertrey Ink (Big & Bold Wishes); cardstock is PTI (Rustic White) and Stampin' Up (Positively Pink); patterned paper is American Crafts (Hello Sunshine); ink is SU (Tempting Turquoise); ribbon is PTI (Summer Sunrise grosgrain); twine is Divine Twine (Aqua); also used a PTI die (Banner Borders).
I've been going through my photos that I've meant to share with you, but somehow have not. These two were taken back in the fall. And are further proof of how much we have been blessed by people that we know.
This one is a basket full of afghans and quilts that were sent to me after I was diagnosed. I should've taken the picture better to show ALL of the items we got to help me stay warm. They're all so lovely and I know were stitched with love. Tnank you if you were one of the quilt or afghan makers!
And this one...
is a pillow that was made for me by one of the 4 year old classes at the preschool. They all signed their name and a few had little extraneous drawings, too... like the one of "toast". Haha! I can only guess that the child had been served toast for breakfast... and maybe just learned to spell it, too. So cute! Thank you, 4D, for the pillow that has gotten me through many naps on the couch. (I know that YOU don't understand that, but when you're all grown up you may just LIKE taking naps!)
Well, I think that will be all for today. I have really got to start creating things because I'm all out of fun artsy stuff to post. Maybe that will be tomorrow's job. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your prayers as I recover from the affects of the chemo treatments. I really appreciate you more than you know!
Hello dear friend. Just popping in with lots of love and hugs. Always in my thoughts. You are such an inspiration xxx
Posted by: Lee | 02/09/2012 at 10:53 PM
Great post. Hope you continue to feel better. Are you still walking? Love the card you made Chloe and I'm sure she did too. Love you. Hugs and prayers for sure.
Posted by: SueB | 02/10/2012 at 06:47 AM
It was so good to see your post this morning... as I head off to class. Glad the pills worked - I hate taking medicine, but you know, there are times when it is just the right thing to do! :) love you much, janis
Posted by: Janis | 02/10/2012 at 08:46 AM
So glad you are feeling better. Your card is so sweet--I'm sure as sweet as your dear young friend. Have you had a chance to follow any of the PTI anniversary festivities? They have been keeping me super busy. Hugs from San Diego.
Posted by: Joyce Mehrberg | 02/10/2012 at 10:58 AM
Sorry you had a rough day yesterday...but so happy today is better. Love your card. Hope you get a chance to follow the PTI anniversary celebration - lots of crafty inspiration there! Sending prayers and (((BIG HUGS))) Hope you have a great weekend!
Posted by: Connie Fisher | 02/10/2012 at 11:15 AM
Love the pillowcase some of your little kiddos made you. Sorry you were sick yesterday -- glad you are feeling much better today. Happy weekend. :)
Posted by: Laura | 02/10/2012 at 03:48 PM
Ok, so how far along on are you on the second Hunger Games book??? Syd still thinks we are going at midnight, but I think I can talk her into a more decent hour!
Love ya!
Posted by: Susan | 02/10/2012 at 08:13 PM
I love talking books with Cloe. And, don't you just treasure those student expressions to the tip of your toes? Love you.
Posted by: lynne | 02/11/2012 at 08:17 AM